The Man Who Would Build A Computer The Size Of The Entire Internet


Docker is a way of packaging software applications into their own shipping containers, so you can readily load them and run them on any machine equipped with any flavor of Linux, the open-source operating system that now drives so many of the servers that underpin the internet. The goal is to foster a world where anyone can treat any pool of machines in much the same way Google treats its private data centers. If you wrap your software in Docker containers, you can readily spread them not only across the machines in your own data centers, but onto popular cloud services such as Amazon Web Services and back again. It all starts with something simple and unimportant. A container is just a box, says Hykes, dotClouds founder and chief technology officer. But with this box, you can package up so many software products and platforms and systems that each have their own way of doing things, and in the end, these containers are everywhere, and you can financing an apple computer with bad credit move them anywhere. The Docker project is only months old.
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Samsung and LG Computer Monitors Win SEAD Global Efficiency Medals for Energy Efficiency

Medium-size category: The Samsung S22C200B, which was also honored as a global winner. Large-size category: The Samsung S27C450B, which was also honored as a global winner. Regional winning computer monitors demonstrated the greatest energy efficiency in four competition regions (Australia, Europe, India and North America).
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